The Society of Conservative Lawyers looks forward to receiving your application for membership. To enable prompt approval by the Executive Committee please ensure that your application includes details that clearly identify how you meet the membership criteria as set out below.
Full membership
For individuals who are: barristers; solicitors; members of the Faculty of Advocates or Law Society of Scotland; academically qualified in the laws of England, Northern Ireland or Scotland; and who satisfy the Executive Committee.
Younger member
Law students, pupil barristers, trainee solicitors and lawyers within 2 years of admission or call
All new applicants must support the objects of the Society:
To uphold the principles of justice and democracy and of the individual freedom and liberty of the subject
To support the Conservative Party
To consider the legal and political aspects of proposed legislation and of administration and to make recommendations thereon to the Conservative Party in Parliament
To consider and promote reforms in the law and in its administration and in the organisation and practice of the legal profession
To act as a centre of discussion of Conservative ideas and of legal and political questions generally
To provide speakers and assist in finding candidates on behalf of the Conservative Party
To publish and to assist and promote publication of literature in pursuance of the objects of the Society
To co-operate with other organisations in pursuance of the objects of the Society.
Once your application form has been received by the Administrative Secretary it will need the formal approval of the Executive Committee at their next meeting. You will be contacted after the meeting. We look forward to welcoming you to the Society.